Nebraska football rumored to possibly be losing some conference rivals

New rumors around the SEC expanding claim that they might be pulling from the only other conference that can match their power and that means Nebraska football might lose some rivals.
Matthew O'Haren-USA TODAY Sports

Over the last few weeks, there’s been a ton of talk about the next potential round of expansion. One rumor that just surfaced about the Big Ten is absolutely the craziest and could have the biggest effect on Nebraska football.

That’s because, according to one purported insider, the SEC is looking to add some teams … from the Big Ten. The insider didn’t say what teams might be pursued.

Either way, should the rumors from the Twitter user MHver3, the teams getting a call from the SEC are “high profile.” It seems unlikely this would be Nebraska football. The SEC doesn’t seem like much of a fit.

Nebraska football could be losing conference rivals

Someone like Ohio State or Michigan, or even Penn State seems like they might be headed to the SEC, for no other reason than they are a bit more “east coast” than some of the other Big Ten teams.

Granted, Rutgers and Maryland are even more east, but they don’t fit the idea of “high profile.” There doesn’t appear to be much reason why the SEC would go after those teams.

It is of course possible someone like USC, Oregon or Washington might be targeted, but that seems unlikely just based on how far away they’d be traveling for road conference games.

While Cal and Stanford joined the ACC, they did it more out of necessity when the Pac-12 collapsed. If they had their drothers, there’s almost no chance they would have joined a conference on the east coast.

Should this come to pass and Nebraska loses some conference rivals, it might almost be a better situation for the Huskers on the field. The big question would be how it would affect the money the conference is currently getting.

All of this speculation is for naught at the moment, considering it’s nothing but a rumor for now. However, another shift could have a pretty massive effect on the Nebraska football team.