Nebraska basketball: How proposed changes could alter the NCAA

(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
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Nebraska basketball and the proposed rule changes
(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

The Pac 12 has issued its proposal for shaking up the NCAA basketball rules. How would they affect the Nebraska basketball program if they were adopted?

Now emerging from a scandal that has rocked the basketball world in particular and the Pac 12 specifically, the conference has come up with some rules changes they’d like to see the NCAA adopt. How would these changes affect the Nebraska basketball team? A few could mean a massive shift.

You might remember the Pac 12 as that conference that got entirely too many teams into the NCAA. At the very least, the wrong Pac 12 teams were accepted into the Big Dance.

You might also remember the conference as being the home of Sean Miller. Miller is the Arizona Wildcats’ coach who got caught on wiretaps talking about paying players. He’s still the coach, by the way.

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It appears the Pac 12 has decided that in the wake of this scandal, the conference thinks it has come up with some new rules the NCAA should adopt. These are not conference rules, but rather something that would also apply to the Cornhuskers and every other program in the country.

Some of the ideas are ground breaking while others are small potatoes. Some are likely to be accepted on their face. Others are going to have a rather hard path through the NCAA landscape.

Still other ideas the Pac 12 has put forward might get a little tweak here or there and then be largely accepted the way they were proposed. The changes in the way players are eligible for the draft and how a school can recruit are likely to shake the organization to its core.

Check out the biggest points that came out of this massive proposal on Tuesday morning.