Reddit AMA with Nebraska football legends goes off the rails

Nebraska football legend Ndamukong Suh probably didn't expect some of the harsher questions that came his way.
Cooper Neill/GettyImages

When you are a college and NFL superstar like former Nebraska football legend Ndamukong Suh, that fame can cut both ways. Fans of the teams you played for likely love you. Fans of the teams you played against likely hate you.

Things get even more complicated for Suh because after playing the majority of his NFL career with the Detroit Lions but moved around quite a bit towards the end of his playing days. In fact, it felt like he was with a new team just about every year, even if that wasn't entirely the case.

That's likely why when the former Nebraska football star hosted an AMA on Reddit, things didn't go all that well. There were some complimentary questions and comments to start things out. But very quickly, it became clear there were quite a few people who had a personal problem with Suh.

Nebraska football legend Ndamukong Suh doesn't have a great AMA

One of the first questions that might have hinted about how things were going was short, sweet, and to the point. "What was with the beef with Aaron Rodgers?"

Suh actually handled the question ok, but maybe knew things were headed in a certain direction.

"I wouldn't say I have any beef. He was just an opponent at the end of the day. And I'm assuming he has beef with me and doesn't like me because I hit him so hard. And we ended up beating up on them, especially late in his career and late in my career. So, you got to ask him that question on me."

A Lions fan also had a nice comment about the former Husker and how he gave back to the public.

"How did your time in Detroit affect your perspective with regards to performing community service for those in need? It was well documented you always gave back to Detroit and the surrounding areas so we here will always be thankful for that.

Thank you for also being one of the best Detroit Lions ever to play DT too. That #2 ranked defense in 2014 is still badass."

However, things took a turn later on in the conversation with several posters bringing up the same issues.

"Hey Suh, loved watching you throughout college and in the NFL. My question is can you rank these in order of most memorable to least?

Shoving Evan Dietrich-Smith’s head into the ground three times and stomping on his arm

Kicking Matt Schaub in the groin

Low blocking John Sullivan

Stepping on Aaron Rodgers’ calf

Kicking Alfred Morris’ helmet off when he was lying on the ground

Choking out Ryan Mallett

Horse collar tackle on Zach Zenner."

On post that got 1000 upvotes show that there are some who have a real problem with Suh and how he played the game.

"When you were suspended for bashing Evan Dietrich-Smith's head into the ground 3 times and then stomping on his arm, you never really apologized to anyone. and when questioned about it, you just said 'it's between me, and the man upstairs.' My question is, do you really believe in God, and if so, do you think he's pissed at you for exploiting his name to get out of taking any responsibility for being one of the dirtiest players the league has ever seen?"

These kinds of comments likely don't surpise someone like Suh. He played in the league for quite a while and he's a veteran social media user. However, one has to wonder if the people who arranged that AMA saw the barrage of insults coming for the former Nebraska football star.