Nebraska football coach sheds light on when he knew Dylan Raiola was QB ready

Donovan Raiola got a better look than any Nebraska football coach at Dylan, and he knew when the youngster was ready to be a good quarterback.
Steven Branscombe/GettyImages

We’re moving closer and closer to seeing just how good true freshman Dylan Raiola can be for the Nebraska football team. For at least one member of the coaching staff, when the former 4-star prospect takes the field in a real game, his positive performance won’t be any kind of surprise.

To the shock of no one, offensive line coach Donovan Raiola has gotten a better and longer look at his nephew than anyone else in Lincoln. And on Friday, he told a story about how he knew, when the kid was very young, that he was going to be a good quarterback.

It turns out the proud Nebraska football coach and uncle didn’t need much to be convinced. He first saw indicators from Dylan Raiola when the quarterback was just two years old.

Nebraska football coach on when he knew Dylan Raiola was QB ready

“It's funny, you know I'm back home from one of Dom's [Dominic Raiola] games and Sunday Night Football was on;” the Husker offensive line coach started. “He [Dylan] could always say 'mom' and 'dad', and we're watching.”

“ You know the Patriots are playing, and he's sitting there jumping around the couch and he looks up. He's like ‘Tom Brady!’ I was like, 'huh?' You know, it's got a unique thing. I was like, 'wait, hold on.' It's crazy. How do you know who Tom Brady is? You know, but that was pretty cool.’”

Obviously, Dylan Raiola has a lot to prove. He’s going to have to have a lot of success for Nebraska football. But it’s clear this kid has been working towards this for years. Maybe it’s even in his blood. We’ll start seeing what exactly he can do in just a few weeks now.

