NCAA ruling on Nebraska football rival at least makes Jim Harbaugh go away forever

The NCAA's cracking down on Harbaugh is largely toothless, but it allows Nebraska football fans to never have to see him again.
Kiyoshi Mio-USA TODAY Sports

I’ve seen a lot of takes about Jim Harbaugh since the NCAA issued it’s ruling regarding his cheating while at Michigan. No, not that cheating. This cheating hard to do with Harbaugh and his staff breaking recruiting rules during the pandemic. In other words, it was about his efforts to get a leg up on Nebraska football and every other program in the Big Ten. Before they really got a leg up with the spying scandal.

On Wednesday, the NCAA issued a four-year show cause on Harbaugh. Meaning that should he return to the college ranks within the next four years, he’ll be suspended for an entire season. The reactions have mostly been what you’d expect. It seems toothless, when you consider he’s now coaching the Los Angeles Chargers in the NFL.

But the one thing it does, that not nearly enough people seem to be pointing out, is that it almost certainly makes sure that neither Nebraska football, nor the rest of the conference has to worry about this crooked liar getting anywhere near them again.

Nebraska football is rid of a low-ethics coach who pretends to be beyond reproach

The ruling about his recruiting cheating comes during the same week when it leaked that the NCAA is looking at finally doling out punishment for having an assistant coach illegally scouting opponents. 

After the leak came out, Harbaugh did his usual “how dare you question me” nonsense where he proclaimed his innocence. And none of it came off looking remotely believable to anyone who doesn’t already root for the Wolverines.

As ridiculous as Jim Harbaugh pretending he didn’t do anything wrong, it’s even more ridiculous that it took this long to hand down any punishment for something that happened years ago. But at least, that four year ban almost certainly means there’s no chance he’s coming back to college football as a head coach.

Nebraska football fans can be glad we don’t have to listen to his fake talk about being a man of character, at least at this level anymore.