Husker Rifle Team: meet Rachel Martin

Husker Rifle is busy preparing for their postseason. Their first stop is NCAA Qualifiers after a couple weeks off of duals. We caught up with the ladies who give “10” a whole other meaning. Lauren Phillips interview posted Sunday.

Rachel Martin (photo NU Media Relations)

Sophomore Rachel Martin, (one of two Martins on the team but no relation) comes from Peralta, New Mexico (think Albuquerque). She started shooting at a pretty young age as a favor to her Dad. She also was into ballet for 13 years and actually thinking about applying to Julliard, but at age 15 she injured her foot so that ended that career path.

After college she intends on becoming a missionary as it is where her faith is pulling her. “Part of why I enjoy shooting is because I know it’s not my identity and I may have a purpose with it, but it’s just a part of me. I will miss the travel and opportunities. I just want to take advantage of my shooting situations for now. But I feel like there are greater things out there for me.”

I asked her what the reaction is from people when they find out she is on the Rifle team. “At first people don’t know what it is. They think it’s a drill team or that we all go hunting. Once they hear more about it they are interested and impressed. It’s so different from other stuff out there and it’s cool to watch. It’s not on tv much, so it’s tough to get people to know about it.”

When she is back home, Rachel enjoys doing a little barrel racing on her horse Whinny. She doesn’t have much free time in the summer but she likes to use the time to “reset.” Martin also competes internationally. She will be in South Korea on April 6th. She has been to Germany, Czech Republic and Austria to compete so far)

Rachel Martin (photo NU Media Relations)

Favorite Gun: She said her favorite is her Smallbore rifle. She names her guns and its name is Fabio “because he’s adorable.” She also really likes her shotgun. She says she’s terrible but it’s so much fun. It doesn’t have a name yet but she’s contemplating “Tebow.”

As for her competition day ritual, Rachel said, “If I have time I like to do a bible study to get focused, or call my Dad, who was my coach, to get inspiration. I like hanging out with my teammates before I shoot too. It’s a way to stay loose and have fun.”

Rachel Martin (photo NU Media Relations)

Favorite Movie: Fury because of the graphic reality of it and Shia LaBeouf was adorable. She prefers Butterfinger candy over popcorn, and the theater over rentals.

Favorite shooting venue: “Murray State, Kentucky. It’s a very nice range with very nice people. The atmosphere is just the best.”

Best shooting moment: “It was a home match my freshman year and I had been struggling a lot in that match for Smallbore at the beginning. I moved into standing position and was down in my score. I nailed my first shot, and it was perfect. When I really needed to come through, that taught me a lot and gave me more confidence in my matches.”

Favorite sports person: Anna Trent was a Husker with the soccer team. She has so much wisdom from her sport and being a student athlete. I think she’s an amazing role model.

Husker ladies practicing (photo credit Kelli Anne)

I asked her if there was anything she would want me to relate to the readers. Rachel said, “I really have grown in my faith. I’m a very spiritual person. It has really pushed me to, and over, the limit. I have learned more about myself. Who I become as a result of this experience is what coms first and has served me well. I’ve been able to enjoy the sport more than I thought I ever would and appreciate the opportunity to do it for UNL. I would also like to give a shout out to my sister, Kaite for her upcoming birthday.”

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Funny fact (something that made me giggle): Q: Who is your favorite artist?? A: Third Day. I love them and when I was little, my Grandma got us cassette tapes. My sister got that one. I would “sort of borrow” it from her a lot.

We will be keeping up with the ladies once they get to Murray, Kentucky and let you know of their progress. Lauren, like all the other ladies, competes in Smallbore and Air Rifle. In the meantime, GO BIG RED!!!