Nebraska Football: University president says AD interest off the charts

Interim president Chris Kabourek reassured Nebraska football fans that there are a ton of people who want Trev Alberts' former job.
Trev Alberts
Trev Alberts | Steven Branscombe/GettyImages

Any Nebraska football fan who is worried about the search for the replacement of Trev Alberts dragging on and on and on, Chris Kabourek wants you to know there’s little danger of that. The interim president, who took over for Ted Carter several months ago went on Sportsnightly on Monday night to assuage those fears.

Kabourek actually addressed a number of different topics during his appearance, but it was the Athletic Director search that will grab the most attention. Now that the university is officially hiring, Kabourek said that he’s been “overwhelmed” by people reaching out to him about the position

"This is going to be an easy sell," Kabourek said during his appearance, "because this is a special, special place."

The interim president also took aim at what he’s apparently been reading on social media. And maybe in articles talking about who could eventually be the person who could replace him.

"Despite maybe some of the speculation going on in social media and media reports, we are aligned as a leadership team. I've been talking constantly with Coach Rhule. This is a fantastic opportunity."

Nebraska football fans don’t have to worry about new AD

The mention of Rhule was not an accident by any stretch of the imagination. Since Alberts left, there have been plenty of Nebraska football fans worried that Rhule was going to follow him out the door.

Even if he didn’t directly follow him, there were plenty of people concerned that Rhule would leave as soon as there was a job opening that was attractive. After all, the Huskers’ head coach talked a lot about how close he and Alberts were over the last few years.

He brought that up again on Monday. However, Rhule and Kabourek seem to be on the same page. During his pre-spring practice press conference, Rhule made it clear that people have come calling asking about his contract situation. He said he told them he was “all in” on Nebraska football.

