Nebraska football great thinks Evan Cooper’s exit won’t hurt NU

Legendary Nebraska football defensive coordinator Charlie McBride thinks the Huskers will get over Evan Cooper leaving, quicker than some expect.
Eric Francis/GettyImages

Since the Nebraska football program announced the resignation of defensive backs coach Evan Cooper, there has been a lot of talk about how his exit will affect the team in the short term. There’s concerns about the current players and how they’ll react and there’s concern for the recruits and commits who built up relationships with Cooper.

While most are a bit worried, especially that it could affect the recruiting class, one Husker legend isn’t that worried. Charlie McBride thinks that people are going to get over Cooper’s departure quickly. And he believes there’s one big reason why.

During his recent call to Hail Varsity Radio, McBride expressed his belief that the team, under the leadership of Matt Rhule, is well-equipped to navigate the departure of Evan Cooper. He attributed this to the solid foundation that Rhule has established.

Nebraska football great thinks Evan Cooper’s exit won’t harm team

“I don't think it's gonna have as much maybe as a lot of people think,” McBride said. “Because a lot of people came here cuz you'd be surprised because the school, because of the situation that's here, because of the head coach.”

When McBride was then asked how he thought the players that had really built relationships with him over the last 18 months might feel, the Husker legend was unfazed.

“I think after a few days, they start thinking about what’s real. That they came here because of a certain person but they came here because they like the university.”

He added that anyone who leaves because Cooper left will not “cross the goal line.” His message was clear: He doesn’t believe those kinds of players are ones Nebraska football should be all that sorry to see go. 

Over the next few days, weeks and months we’ll see what the fallout of this coaching change will be. But count Charlie McBride among those who simply isn’t concerned.

