Husker Rifle Team: Meet Denise Martin


Husker Rifle is busy preparing for their postseason. Their first stop is NCAA Qualifiers after a couple weeks off of duals. We caught up with the ladies who give “10” a whole other meaning. So far you’ve met Lauren Phillips, Rachel MartinJaycee Carter and Maggie Mical.

Junior Denise Martin moved from Colorado to Washington when she was 8 years old. She attended a 4H meeting and there was an option to learn shooting. This is where her passion for Rifle started. (for the record she is not related to sophomore Rachel Martin who hails from New Mexico)

Denise Martin (Photo NU Media Relations)

After college she is hoping to get a career stated after graduating but is looking seriously at competing in the Olympics in Rio. During the summer she also works with the Civilian Marksmanship program coaching kids in high school and helping them improve their skills.

I asked her what the reaction is from people when they find out she is on the Husker Rifle team. “Usually they are really surprised and want to hear more about it after the initial shock wears off.

Favorite Gun: She said she couldn’t decide between the Rifle or the Air Rifle.

Denise Martin (Photo NU Media Relations)

Favorite music: She listens to everything from rock to country to anything in between. She says she has a wide variety on her ipod.

Leather Uniforms: best/worst thing: “The best part is the support it provides you because of the back curve and positioning that can occur if you’re not in good condition. The worst part is how hot they get when we compete in the outdoor venue of Georgia.” I asked her about her competition day ritual and Denise said she doesn’t really have anything specific.

Favorite Movie: I like action movies and romantic comedies. I don’t really have a favorite one. She prefers candy over popcorn, and a rental over going to the theatre.

Favorite shooting venue: I like all of them because they all have a different challenge to them. It can be the lighting, or the sound, or the setup is different and you just have to adjust. I like the ventilation system in Mississippi. The Anchorage venue is less fancy, but open and the lighting is more like it is at home.

Best shooting moment: “It would have to be the NCAA matches and the World Championships in 2010.”

Denise Martin (Photo NU Media Relations)

In her free time, Denise participates in the pickup sand volleyball games the other members of the Rifle team play. She says “it’s just a good fun time.”

Favorite Husker sports persona: “It would have to be my friend Jacquelyn on the swim team. She’s an awesome person I met through classes at school. The swimmers are all so crazed before they compete. But once they get on the blocks, they just get straight focused. I think that’s cool.”

Jul 13, 2014; Athens, GA, USA; Allison Schmitt dives in the for the women

I asked her if there was anything she would want me to relate to the readers. Denise said, “I would like to give a shout out to our athletic department. They do a lot for us nd it’s really great that they take such good care of us.”

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Fun fact: Q: What other things do you do for conditioning? A: We have to do weight lifting during the season, or a circuit day for the conditioning. I really like the weight lifting part of it the best. I don’t think anyone else on the team does.

We will be keeping up with the ladies once they get to Murray, Kentucky and let you know of their progress, Denise, like all the other ladies, competes in Smallbore and Air Rifle. In the meantime, GO BIG RED!!!