Husker Rifle Team: Meet Lauren Phillips


Husker Rifle is busy preparing for their postseason. Their first stop is NCAA Qualifiers after a couple weeks off of duals. We caught up with the ladies who give “10” a whole other meaning.

Sophomore Lauren Phillips, nicknamed “LP” and comes from Washington state, about an hour outside of Seattle. She grew up on a little sheep and goat farm with her brother Matt, and Mom and Dad (Jeff & Marsha) and her Grandma Jo who still lives there with them.

Lauren Phillips (photo NU Media Relations)

I asked her what the reaction is from people when they find out she is on the Rifle team. “At first people think I’m dangerous and they better not mess with me but once I explain it to them they realize we are one of the most relaxed group of fun people out there.” For fun Phillips plays sand volleyball with a bunch of the other girls on the team.

Lauren doesn’t have much free time in the summer as she spends it working with the Civilian Marksmanship program, shooting in the NRA and USA competitions. Already a member of ROTC, she plans on enlisting in the military and working in the Army Marksmanship unit. She currently majors in child youth and family students/education.

Favorite Gun: She said a Henry lever action .22 Golden Boy iconic. “It has that old feel to it. It’s a classic, timeless. It’s the first gun my Dad bought me.”

Henry lever action Golden Boy rifle

As for her competition day ritual, Lauren said, “I drop .50 Cent on my ipod and the rest of it I’m keeping a secret.” She went on to say she feels the standing creates the most challenge and that the kneeling is her least favorite. “It’s that love/hate relationship.”

Favorite Movie: Full Metal Jacket or Blackhawk Down. She prefers candy over popcorn, “hot tamales” and HBO over going to the theater.

Favorite shooting venue: “Fort Benning because I love it to pieces. It’s the nicest range in the US Army Marksmanship unit and it feels like home.”

Best shooting moment: “At a conference championship last year, GARC. It was my final shot and it was the first final I had made. The shot was a 10.6 and I called it how it was going to be. Best shot I ever felt in my life. Knowing you can’t lose at that point is pretty awesome.”

Husker ladies practicing (photo credit Kelli Anne)

Favorite other sports: I really like going to all the sporting events. I have a soft spot for football and women’s basketball.

I asked her if there was anything she would want me to relate to the readers. She said, “I want to give a shout out to the strength and conditioning coach, Lauren Harris. She really got me into the best shape of my life. I’d also like to give a shout out to my parents who have always supported me. I’d really like to see more fans at our home matches next year and “Holler” if you want to come learn to shoot.”

Funny fact (something that made me giggle): Q: So what are your thoughts about the leather uniform? A: It’s great for support in shooting. But it certainly does NOTHING to create curves for me.”

We will be keeping up with the ladies once they get to Murray, Kentucky and let you know of their progress. Lauren, like all the other ladies, competes in Smallbore and Air Rifle. In the meantime, GO BIG RED!!!