How do you tailgate on a Husker Football bye week?
Yes, the loss last week sucked. Pretty sure I know what Huskers Coach Scott Frost was saying behind the mask. However, I saw good line play for the first time in a LONG time but the deep receiver threat for the Huskers is still on the back of a milk carton. If you’re too young to get that reference, google it. And although the McCaffrey and Martinez combo is cute and flashy, where the hell was the “stable” of running backs? Getting the ball to Big Red running back Dedrick Mills only 6 times a game is like not taking your corvette above 90 on the straightaway. What’s the point?

No game against Wisconsin because they are choosing to not play and “take a timeout.” This is the team that I typically use as the measuring stick. When Big Red finally and consistently starts beating that pesky Badger, we will have made progress and can add a shot of vodka to that Kool-aid we all drink.
Wisky is lost the 1st string QB, Jack Coan to a foot injury right before the season. The 2nd string QB (Graham Wolf) and 3rd string QB (Chase Wolf) tested positive for COVID so was up to Danny Vanden Boom. Folks, regardless of who is behind center, all they do is freaking run the ball and get physical. I’m not going to worry about who hands it off, it’s more about to whom they hand it. (Mom will be proud I used “whom” correctly)
Bottom line, Wisconsin is not playing. This means it cancels, not a forfeit. Again, Kevin Warrens COVID rules fail. If you choose to not play because of whatever, that is a forfeit. From what I read, Wisky was not in the Red/Red category and forced to cancel. Not having a bye week in the schedule keeps the game from being rescheduled (like all the other conferences can do).
What do I need to see for Huskers going forward? Limit the penalties, continued good line play, RUN THE DAMN BALL, and find a way to get the ball downfield. I was encouraged that there were 5 catches by the Husker tight ends. Considering we only had 25 all last year and 19 the year before, that’s a positive sign.
It will be a glorious 60 degree, sunny day in Lincoln. No tailgating would have been allowed on campus, but there is no law against a homegate, or drivewaygate for a different team. I will be hosting a celebration of people who love football and will post photos next week. If you are creative, you can celebrate anywhere. My friend in the sandbox is serving our country and still showing his Husker pride! Thank you for your service Steve!
Good morning from me and a friend of mine serving in a sandbox far across the ocean! Be kind, be excited and be goid fans! Huskers get to play! #GBR #huskers #friends #fun #homegates ❤🏈🌽
— Kelli Anne (@Kelian_NE) October 24, 2020
In tribute to the SUPER stringent B1G Ten testing protocols (6 times a week versus 3 times a week for SEC/ACC/Big 12) and Wisconsin’s failure to stay healthy and screwing the Huskers out of a game, this week’s jello shot is called the B1G Ten Bitter pill. It’s more about the look than the substance. Does that sound familiar? Ring a bell? It’s blue jello and vodka with a tiny marshmallow in it.
My homage to B1G Ten bs... the jello shot I call the B1G Ten bitter pill 🤣 #kevinwarrenstillsucks #tailgate #huskers #GBR
— Kelli Anne (@Kelian_NE) October 28, 2020
I didn’t forget it’s Halloween week and since COVID and ruined bobbing for apples, and Wisconsin ruined the game for the Huskers, I’ve got the next best thing, an apple cider FIREBALL jello shot! For 1 package of jello, boil 1 cup of apple cider to stir in. Once the jello is dissolved, add 3/4 c of Fireball and then pour it into shot cups and chill. It will give you the same warm feeling in your tummy as when the Blackshirts sack the quarterback.
In time for Halloween! Fireball & apple cider jello shots! #tailgate #friends #fun #drivewaygate #huskers #GBR @FireballWhisky
— Kelli Anne (@Kelian_NE) October 28, 2020
If I was going to Frankenstein build a great Husker player, it would have the youthful exuberance of Luke McCaffrey, the mustache of Kade Warner, the heart of Collin Miller, the hands of Rex Burkhead (who is better?), the jawbone of JoJo Domann, the legs of Ronald Thompkins, the arm of Adrian Martinez, and the flow of Matt Farniok.
2020 sucks worse than being Kevin Warren’s personal assistant. I feel bad for the Huskers who can’t play this week. I’ll never take football for granted. Next week is Northwester. Hang in there my people. I’ll be here for your sarcasm relief. Take care of your health and GO BIG RED!