Nebraska Football: Jahkeem Green is getting up to speed

LINCOLN, NE - APRIL 21: General view of the east side at Memorial Stadium on April 21, 2018 in Lincoln, Nebraska. (Photo by Steven Branscombe/Getty Images)
LINCOLN, NE - APRIL 21: General view of the east side at Memorial Stadium on April 21, 2018 in Lincoln, Nebraska. (Photo by Steven Branscombe/Getty Images) /

Jahkeem Green is getting acclimated to Nebraska Football.

The Nebraska Football defense is going to have a ton of talent. Some of the talent comes from one of their newer acquisitions. Jahkeem Green has been working hard and getting up to speed with what the Nebraska Football program is trying to do. By all accounts, he seems to be performing okay, but there are still some things he needs to work on.

The plan is to have him ready for the August 31 game against South Alabama. Although he may not have the playbook down completely, that is not the biggest thing he needs to work on. According to a report from Steven M Sipple of the Lincoln Journal Star, conditioning is perhaps the top thing he needs to focus on. Defensive line coach Tony Tuioti noted that Green is making progress.

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The thought of Green and Tuioti working together is certainly exciting. Tuioti will undoubtedly do his best to get the most out of his player, while Green will probably have little trouble fitting into the scheme. Once Green gets up to speed, he will have a chance to be one of the most impactful linemen the program has. Maybe that won’t happen this year, but next year I would certainly predict him to have a monster year. He will have had a year in the defensive system, and been more familiar with his surroundings. Right now, he is trying to get up to speed.

The amount of things Green is going to have to learn in just a couple of weeks must create stress on the player. Nevertheless, it is better for him to learn it now than later. After all, he may be able to see significant playing time this year depending upon his performances both in practice and previous games. I suspect he will be a part of this defense sooner rather than later.

"“The mindset is to get him ready for Aug. 31 and then we’ll just play it by ear from there,” Husker defensive line coach Tony Tuioti said Monday.“He’s got a ways to go,” Tuioti said of Green. “He’s doing an excellent job just trying to plug the gap as much as he can. But there are a lot of reps that have been missed and a lot of conditioning that’s been missed.”"

I am interested to see when he will get up to speed. It may not be right now, it may not be even two weeks from now. My guess is that things will begin to click fully at mid-season. That would be ideal, as those are when the conference games come around. If we could get the best version of Green by the time Wisconsin comes to town, I would be very happy with that. He would be able to add an immediate boost to the defensive line.

Right now, he is working through the grueling days of training camp. Although he may be struggling right now in some aspects, the finished product should look very good.