The battle lines are drawn. It’s Nebraska football versus Troy in an early 11 am game on BTN.
What did we learn from our previous battle? I think we learned that the Nebraska football defense is way better and improved than last year’s defense.
I learned that Adrian Martinez can throw the BOMB to JD Spielman. We may well have a QB we aren’t scared to watch throw. And yes, our special teams needs some work before we have a ghost of a chance of a De’Mornay Pierson-El style return bringing it the house.
Other things I learned last week is that Colorado is still playing dirty, well at least #44 is playing that way. My BS meter is pretty well tuned and if you seriously believe that kid wasn’t trying to wrench off our quarterback’s knee and hurt him, I have some Nebraska bridge real estate to sell you. Of course nothing will happen to Colorado’s Collier. After all, it’s the year of Ohio State-like forgiveness. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge, let’s play ball.
Nebraska fans need to know that Troy QB Kaleb Barker has a 65.4 percent passing efficiency rating. That’s good. Troy is a good road team too. On the defense, Justin Wisenhunt leads the team with 11 tackles. Other than that, I’m more concerned with our team, mostly our quarterback, and getting some sticky stuff on our receivers’ hands.
It’s time to set the alarm and get up early for the Husker game, earlier than you get up for the work week. If you’ve read my tailgate articles over the years you know I despise the early game.
At least I’m not worried about the team and their internal clock this year. They practice early so this should be right in their wheelhouse. I look for a fast start by Big Red whether it’s A Magic or A Bunch under center.
I liked how Andrew Bunch came in as the backup quarterback. He was gutsy and didn’t back down. He put the football where it needed to go and had good presence on the field in a tense situation. Well done young man. You’re the whole Bunchilada in my book!
Speaking of food, (insert segway here) this week I’ll give you a BRUNCH of ideas for that Nebraska tailgate. A back up game plan of scrambled eggs with cheese, chunks of ham, and some hash browns each in pan warmers will get it done. It’s a simple team approach that can win the day almost like a backup Nebraska QB with a simple game plan can win the game. Add in some cinnamon rolls for that cinnamon toast BUNCH appeal and you’re good to GO BIG RED!
Are you hungry yet?
— Kelli Anne (@Kelian_NE) September 13, 2018
Troy is located in Alabama which made me think of the Alabama Slammer. To put my own Nebraska tailgate twist to it, I call it the “Bring the Hammer to Alabama Slammer” jello shot! I softened the drink recipe up a little though (much like how the Husker defense will tenderize the Troy O-Line after a constant pounding). Mix a box of orange and a box of cherry jello with 2 cups of boiling orange juice. Stir until well mixed. Pour in 1 cup of Southern Comfort and 3/4 cup Amaretto. Pour it into shot cups and chill.
Working on my Bring the Hammer to Alabama Slammer jello shot recipe for the #huskers vs Troy game #GBR
— Kelli Anne (@Kelian_NE) September 13, 2018
The weather will be sunny and bright, much like the future with Coach Frost. I like what I’ve seen. I love the coaches taking some of the blame. I like stopping the other team’s run game. I like 7 sacks on the opposing QB in one game. I like that long post route BOMB for a touchdown. I like Nebraska football fans tailgating with smiles again. It’s almost enough to make me not hate early games….almost.
Get to town early, cheer loudly, get home safely and mostly, GO BIG RED!