The Nebraska football team has had a long and storied history. Over that history there are some plays that stood out from others.
With just a few months until Nebraska football kicks off the 2018 season, Cornhusker fans everywhere are hoping the team makes some real interesting memories this year.
Even if the team does manage to make those memories, it’s a safe bet they won’t come close to the plays that stand out as some of the best anyone has ever seen when watching the Huskers.
To be fair, those particular plays weren’t expected to happen either. That’s one of the reasons they stand out as the best of the best in the long history of the program.
When talking about how you judge these best plays, there’s obviously going to be some people who remember another one that they think was better. Maybe they think there was a little-noticed play that managed to help the Huskers win.
In this list, the criteria tend to be a play that helped win a game, or change the college football world for good. Some of these plays had far-reaching implications.
Other plays were among the best of the best because they helped save what would have otherwise been a bad season.
Obviously, when talking about something like this, we tend to remember the plays we saw or heard. There is a definite bent towards the last three or four decades.
That’s not to say we only looked in the very recent past. You’ll find some from way back in the day. Others happened more recently than you might have realized.
Check out our list of the best single plays in the history of Nebraska football. Do agree with the list? Did we miss one? Let us know so we can all debate it together.