The Nebraska Football team is looking to get quite a bit better than their 6-7 record though there are quite a few games that could go either way and we’ll take a look a the games that could make or break the season.
There are some games that seem like they should be instant wins, such as the game against Wyoming. There are also games like Ohio State that are likely going down in the “L” column. Besides those two games, it seems like almost every other is a toss up.
If the games aren’t a toss up, they are at least games that could potentially change the way the season goes. A loss where the team should win, or a win where the team should loose might change how the season goes.
This, being Mike Riley’s follow up season to 6-7, it’s likely the Nebraska football team is going to be looking for 9 or 10 wins. So what are the games you should circle on your calendar as the most important?
Next: 5. Northwestern