Nebraska Cornhuskers: Husker Corner Monday Mailbag (4/28/14)

Joe Flannigan-Albion News

Happy Monday! Okay, there’s usually no such thing, but it’s time to roll out another mailbag, and that’s something, right? Four more Husker Cornerians chime in this week, so let’s get cracking.

More of a comment, but I listened to Grant Wistrom’s interview last week and sure wish we could get his fire back in Nebraska Cornhuskers football. – Terry Tuttle (Husker Corner Mail)

Brandon: Wistrom was my childhood hero growing up (and is still one of my favorite players to this day) because of his passion. I get tons of flack for standards often perceived as impossible, but if you want to blame anyone for instilling that mentality in me as a competitor in athletics or life, blame Wistrom and those like him.

I’m happy to hear that guys like Tommy Armstrong and Josh Mitchell are stepping up and making their voices heard. I encourage more players to do that.

I heard that we may be only taking 15 recruits this class. That seems really low. Thoughts?  – Sammy Wallace (Husker Corner Mail)

Brandon: If that’s the case, the staff botched this cycle big time. With the momentum they currently have sitting at 10 commitments, they’d be nuts to stop with only five more. Even if all five are No. 1 at their positions, you get greedy when it comes to recruiting.

Do you think Monte Harrison will decide to play for Nebraska? – Jeff Peters (Husker Corner Mail)

Brandon: Absolutely not. You will never see Harrison in a Nebraska Cornhuskers uniform of any kind.

Who do you think would win in a “Bull In The Ring” drill between Imani Cross and Tanner Farmer? – Catherine Beddle (Husker Corner Mail)

Brandon: A good question and I’d like to see a best of seven series. Cross has the lower center of gravity, but Farmer’s got amazing strength and is a wrestling champion. In a series, Cross might taken one or two, but my money’s on Farmer.

Thanks for all of those who contributed this week! Have a question that you’d like to see featured in next week’s mailbag? Leave it in the comments below, sent it to us, tweet at us or join Fancred and chime in when we sound the horn.

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