First impressions are every thing in life, and for 4 star Elk Grove, CA.  Comumnes Grove..."/> First impressions are every thing in life, and for 4 star Elk Grove, CA.  Comumnes Grove..."/>

California Corner Back Blown Away By Husker Visit.


First impressions are every thing in life, and for 4 star Elk Grove, CA.  Comumnes Grove High School corner back Marcus Rios, Nebraska made a big one.

“I loved Nebraska, I came home from my trip and started bragging to my parents about how great it was,” Rios said. “My parents really like Nebraska too, they have talked to the coaches and they liked them as much as I do too. They actually had my twin sister fill out an application to attend Nebraska as well. That’s how much they liked the school. They thought it would be good for us to attend the same school, and that’s the school they thought we would both fit in at.”

The  6-foot-0, 170 lb Californian said he has taken two other visit, and his Black Friday trip to Lincoln blew the other two out of the water.

“I have been to UCLA and Arizona state,” Rios said.  “The trip to Nebraska was just really good. The atmosphere was really great. Game day was crazy it was a great out crowd. Nebraska had a lot of fans. Thats the first time I have been to a game like that. It was a sold out crowd, and everyone was really into it. It was the best trip I have ever taken.”

The best part of Rios trip was getting to know the coaches, and he felt really comfortable with the Nebraska staff, and with one coach in particular.

“I felt like I  can relate to coach (Corey) Raymond really well,” Rios said. “He was great, and seems like a really good coach. He and I think a lot a like, and got along really well.

Rios said the two biggest selling points on a school are the academics, and the tradition of football.

” The acadmeics at Nebraska was really great. They have all the tools I need to graduate,” Rios said. “I knew they were a big time football program and a big time academic program. That is really important to me. Plus their facilites are really good. I saw a lot of things I didn’t expect. The program was the best I have seen so far.”

Rios said he knew a lot about Nebraska’s tradition, but he didn’t understand how great the game day atmosphere was until he arrived in Lincoln.

” That’s the biggest game I have been to,” Rios said. ” The fans new our names when I was there. That was really important. I like the character of the team, they seem like they never give up and, they all really relate to, and believe in the coaches. They don’t have any behavier issues or anything like that. That’s huge to me. They just set their players up to succeed.”

Rios loved his trip to Lincoln, but did not commit over the weekend. He still has one or two more visits coming up that he wants to take before he makes his decision.

“I have a top 5 list. Right now Nebraska is at the top, but the rest if the teams really aren’t in any order. It’s Nebraska, UCLA, Notre Dame, Oregon, and Arizona State,” Rios said.”Notre Dame and Oregon are coming to see me next week. So I might take a visit to their schools. I don’t know about Oregon, but I really want to go see Notre Dame.”

Rios is very big on family, and both of his parents are very involved in his recruiting process, but he said the distance from home will not have any baring on where he chooses to go to school at. He just wants to find a place where he can succeed.

“There really isn’t one thing that will make me choose a school over another,” Rios said. “I just want to go where I can feel comfortable, and be somewhere I can succeed on and off the field. I know Nebraska is somewhere I can go and do that.”

By Jimmie Allen

Note from the writer

There are a lot of kids that seem to have the, “I am owed this” attitude. In talking to Rios, you can tell he is one of those kids that appreciates every opportunity he has ever been given, and has the best intentions in choosing a school.  He seems to have a good head on his shoulders, and he will be a huge get for Nebraska.